Sunday, December 31, 2006

No. 82: The Creation, 1990

There was no beginning ,for the Gods always were and always will be . There are no other Gods than the infinite number of metamorphic Gods who created the heavens .

Now of all the billiions of stars and planetary bodies in the universe that they had created , The Gods favoured the Earth , and upon it the Gods created the early lizards which were called the dinosaurs .

The Gods looked at the dinosaurs and admiring their beastly beauty , the Gods transformed themselves to resemble the dinosaurs . Now because the dinosaurs were in the image of the Gods ,the Gods with their grace and in their infinite wisdom made a promise to the dinosaurs : If the dinosaurs could live in peace they would be rewarded by inheriting the Earth for their future generations to live on in paradise for millions of years .

Now the dinosaurs lived on for many years upon the Earth but would sometimes eat eachother and steal eachothers' territories. So the Gods saw to it that a prophet was sent amongst them by the name of Dioplodocus . Now Diplodocus brought a warning to the dinosaurs from the Gods . He told his brethren that if they were not to change their evil ways , the dinosaurs would be devoured by a white plague sent from the Gods.

The unruly dinosaurs did not heed the warning of Diplodocus and the white plague descended from the north and ascended from the south and from both polar caps it multiplied and outwards freezing the oceans and solidifying all the vegetation. And when the whole Earth was frozen by the white plague , the early lizards too were wiped off the face of the Earth for evermore .

After the great thaw , the Earth was restored to its former beauty and the Gods then , after careful consideration , created the woolly mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers which were called the early mammals .

The Gods looked at the early mammals and admiring their savage elegance , the Gods transformed themselves to resemble the woolly mammoths and sabre toothed tigers . Now because the woolly mammoths and sabre toothed tigers were in the image of the Gods , the Gods in their wisdom , made a promise to the early mammals:
If the woolly mammoths and the sabre toothed tigers could live peaceably on Earth , they would be rewarded by inheriting the Earth as their own for future generations to live in paradise for millions of years

Now the woolly mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers lived on Earth for many years but sometimes the sabre-toothed tigers would eat young mammoths. At other times the woolly mammoths would stampede the sabre-toothed tigers and seize all of their territory thereby taking control of the water supplies and preventing the tigers from drinking , causing many sabre-toothed tigers to die out due to thirst.
the mammals continued thus for many years taking part in continuous territorial disputes..

The Gods having grown weary of their offspring behaving in such an unearthly way decided to send a second prophet down to warn them . The second prophet whom the Gods sent to Earth was called Mastodon . He came and lived amongst his brethren and warned them that if they did not change their evil ways , the early mammals would be wiped of the face of the Earth by a deadly pink plague sent down by the Gods .

The woolly mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers continued to ignore Mastodon's warnings and eventually the dreaded pink plague appeared . It started from the fertile lands then rapidly multiplied , first crawling on the land then developing the ability to swim in the seas. The pink plague then managed to fly in the air . This plague swiftly poisoned the skies , blackened the oceans and contaminated the entire variety of the Earth's vegetation thus exterminating all of the early mammals.

The Gods looked at Man and admiring his industrious intelligence, the Gods transformed themselves to resemble Man . Now because Man was in the image of the Gods, the Gods in their grace and divine wisdom,made no promises .

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